
Codeless testing

We automatically generate and run all your tests.
You focus on building and scaling with confidence.


What we do

  • We dynamically provide the necessary tests to validate the functionality of your project and we generate technical documentation, thus eliminating the effort required to manage tests.
  • We're offering a graphical interface tool for Product Managers and developers, where they can map and test their projects.
  • Our tool fully automates the testing process and generates technical documentation on request.

What you gain

  • It generally takes between 2 weeks and 1 month for an existing employee to develop sufficient tests to validate a medium sized application. We do it in 24 hours.
  • It takes one or 2 testers to validate the work of 6–10 developers while providing automation. We do it with 0 or 1.

Privacy at heart


Reach out to us. We support every type of configuration between fully on premise to fully in-cloud to fully SaaS. Be bold, own your data. You will be able to run the last version of the tests even if you stop the subscription.

Optimized data import

Bring your OpenAPI and DB structure to QAlity with our Exporter tool. This will bring you from zero to “ready for automation” in a matter of minutes. Use the chrome extension to easily map your website.

data import

Automatic test discovery


Use our interface to describe how your webpages work and how they get their data. Long gone are the days when someone had to write all the test scenarios. Describe how your application works and QAlity will figure out how everything connects.

This gets you from “ready for automation” to “automated validation” in a matter of days—without specialized employees—compared to weeks or months without us.

Technology specific configuration

Every supported technology has its specific naming and interface. This makes it easy to describe—with standard terminology—how your application works. When your team grows, this approach will also save you significant time, there is no obscure definition at play.


Automated, flexible running


As soon as QAlity discovers how your entities connect, it can transform this information into running tests. Select which of the proposed tests you'd like to keep, and let them run.

This brings you from “automated validation” to a full “automated process” in less than a week. You will be able to run your tests against branches locally by each developer, on a test environment, or even call everything from CI/CD tools.

With focus on end to end tests

QAlity currently targets the most expensive steps of the development process: the end to end testing, with browsers and clients etc.

Why the most expensive?
  • Because the bugs that slip from here on go directly to customers.
  • Every bug requires at least 2 team members to correctly develop and revalidate.
  • Every critical integration problem will block your release.

QAlity allows you to organize your development resources to tackle the problems in the product discovery phase, instead of panicking at the end.
Got any questions? Send us an email at hello@qality.tech, or read more about us.
You can also read our blog, or check out our our YouTube channel.